Top 10 Cloud Influencers in 2022

Cloud Computing is the present as well as the future of global technology. It has revolutionized the way computers work for us and reconstructed every technology domain, be it infrastructure, software, applications, services, products, or even an operating system. All the credit goes to global cloud leaders who strive to expand the cloud sphere and create inventions for the future.

These people have transformed how we experience technology and learn about these pioneers and the most influential voices in the cloud computing business.

Meet the top 10 Cloud Influencers in the world

Duncan Epping

Duncan Epping is the chief technologist – Storage & Availability at VMware and one of the most influential cloud computing voices you should follow in 2022. He is a powerful leader in the Storage & Availability and the cloud & virtualization domains in the whole world. Also, he has acquired 5 patents in this domain till now. 

Duncan is the first VMware certified design expert and links the R&D team with partners and customers at VMware. Apart from that, he is an accomplished author and blogger, often named one of the most famous individuals in cloud space. You can read his articles on the blog

Can follow Duncan Epping on LinkedIn & Twitter.

Vanessa Alvarez

Vanessa Alvarez is a popular name in the cloud computing realm and one of the top women influencers in the field. She is currently working with Microsoft as Senior Program Manager, a go-to-market strategist for the Azure hybrid cloud. She has previously worked at AWS and Forrester and has been an active member of CloudNow since its inception.

She possesses more than 15 years of industry experience in the technology industry. Along with cloud computing, she bears expertise in related disciplines such as analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, edge computing, distributed systems, architecture, etc.

She was featured in Forbes’s Woman in Tech Series and recognized by several other platforms for her work in technology. Plus, she has endeavoured to bring more women into the technology field and inspired women around the globe.

Can follow Vanessa Alvarez on LinkedIn & Twitter.

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is one of the most prominent figures in the AWS cloud sphere and definitely a real cloud legend. He is the vice president and chief evangelist at AWS and one of the team’s core members that developed Amazon Web Services (AWS). Jeff has been working in the software industry since 1976 and has worked with the biggest firms like Microsoft and Amazon.

As an evangelist, he has inspired young web developers to create innovative applications and share valuable information in the AWS blogs for almost two decades. He has published more than 3000 blog posts on his AWS blog about cloud development, new releases, updates, advice, etc., and you can read his personal tech blogs at

Can follow Jeff Barr on LinkedIn & Twitter.

Scott Guthrie

Scott Guthrie is currently the Executive VP of the Cloud and Enterprise group in Microsoft. Responsible for managing all operations in Microsoft Azure, he is also popular for co-developing the famous server-side framework-

Along with MS Azure, he is also responsible for delivering Dynamics 365, Windows Server and the core Windows operating system, Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, GitHub, .NET, Hololens, Microsoft SQL Server, Power BI, and Power Apps.

If you follow Scott, you will get real-time cloud updates on Azure.

Can follow Scott Guthrie on LinkedIn & Twitter.

Lydia Leong 

Lydia is one of the most successful women in the cloud computing business. She has been serving as a cloud computing analyst in Gartner for Technical Professionals for more than 20 years. She holds expertise in the area of digital transformation of organizations and strategic research partnerships.

Lydia has an extensive background in the internet and telecommunications industry. Also, she specializes in web hosting, internet services, global-scale data centre operations, and engineering, including DevOps.

According to her, her work functions at the intersection point of business and technology. She describes herself as a seeker of input, i.e., — information, opinions, and experiences. You can follow her for frequent updates on cloud and modern technology.

Can follow Lydia on LinkedIn & Twitter

Adrian Cockcroft

Adrian Cockroft is currently the Vice President of Cloud Architecture Strategy at AWS. Still, if you are a tech enthusiast, you must know him as the mastermind behind the Netflix cloud architecture. During his six-year tenure at Netflix, he restructured the streaming services and processes of Netflix. Plus, he is also known as one of the major contributors to the success of AWS becoming the world’s biggest cloud platform.

He also worked at Battery Ventures to overcome the problems during the migration of large businesses to cloud infrastructure.

He frequently interacts with AWS customers and developers through forums and summits

Can follow Adrian Cockroft on Medium & Twitter

Tamara McCleary

Tamara McCleary is one of the leading social media influencers globally and carries a list of feathers in her cap. To begin with, she is the CEO of Thulium, a global digital social media marketing agency. She is also a technological futurist, a strategy consultant, and an international branding specialist ranked in the top 1% of Global Social Media Influencers by Klear.

She is a pioneer in the cloud computing domain and is worldwide known for her contributions to world technology. Throughout her career, she has worked toward developing future technology and communication tools. 

Tamara has also been acknowledged as one of Onalytica’s top 50 social influencers and B2B marketing’s #1 most influential woman in MarTech.

Can follow Tamara McCleary on Twitter

Kevin L. Jackson

Kevin L. Jackson is an American business executive and writer. He is currently the CEO & Founder of GovCloud Network. This consultancy firm assists agencies and businesses in strengthening the parallel and global nature of cloud computing. 

From US Navy to a senior business executive in the computer industry, Jackson’s career has an ultrawide span and many to learn from. He has been recognized as a “Top 100 Cybersecurity Influencer and Brand” by Onalytica, as “Top 100 Cloud Computing Experts on Twitter” (2013), a “Top 50 Cloud Computing Blogger for IT Integrators” by CRN.

He has served as Chief Technology Officer of Intel Corporation and a senior executive in companies like IBM and JP Morgan Chase. He also served as a vice president for Dataline LLC. He worked as the General Manager of Cloud Computing Services for NJVC. He was named a “Cyber Security Visionary” by US Black Engineer & IT magazine during this period.

He has been running a cloud-computing blog entitled Cloud Musings since 2008 that has been named as top 100 blogs on cloud computing in the United States. He has also co-authors books like GovCloud: Implementation and Cloud Brokerage Service and encourages developers with his writings.

Can follow Kevin L. Jackson on LinkedIn & Twitter

Lori MacVittie

Lori MacVittie is the principal technical evangelist for cloud computing, cloud and application security, and application delivery in F5. She is also responsible for education and evangelism across F5 networks. She has been often identified as the top 10 women cloud influencers in the world.

She also serves on the Board of Regents for the DevOps Institute and CloudNOW. She has been labelled as one of the top influential women in DevOps. Along with cloud security, she is an expert in developing application integration, application delivery, application infrastructure, application security to SDN, and DevOps.

Before F5, she was also an award-winning Senior Technology Editor at Network Computing Magazine and has authored several tech-related articles. She has also written for ZDNet, DARKReading,, and Network Computing and co-authored “The Cloud Security Rules”. Plus, her blog has also been appreciated as one of the top 50 blogs on cloud computing.

Can follow Lori MacVittie on LinkedIn & Twitter

Ian Moyse

Ian Moyse is a world-famous cloud computing influencer and a seasoned cloud seller. Currently, he works as the sales director of Natterbox, a commercial cloud telephony platform that provides telephony services within the Salesforce platform. He was named the top social media influencer on Onlytica’s list for his high twitter engagements and frequently appears on lists of top cloud influencers, IoT masters, and data security experts.

He maintains his own blog, Cloud Matters, where you can find posts on several topics such as SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and IoT platforms. You can also read his guest posts on numerous Cloudtech, Equinix, Oracle, and Maximiser websites. 

Apart from being an author and a cloud expert, he has also proven his competence in the Internet of Things (IoT), Software as a Service (SaaS), etc. He is an esteemed keynote speaker and often talks about cloud marketing in the world.

Can follow Ian Moyse on LinkedIn & Twitter

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