A brief origin story of the Cloud?

The cloud has come a long way in recent years, and looking back at its history can help businesses understand how it can best be used to achieve their goals. 

Impact of the cloud

The cloud has been instrumental in enabling businesses to scale quickly and efficiently, and its continued evolution will no doubt bring even more opportunities for businesses to grow and thrive.

Origins of AWS — the first cloud!

AWS was created by Amazon to manage its own IT infrastructure but has since become a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, supporting not only Amazon but also other major companies.


The original concept was to create an “Operating System of the Internet”, in which different hardware resources would be isolated as components and served as managed services. 

This would take the burden of managing hardware and physical infrastructure off the shoulders of developers, and allow businesses to focus on their goals.

A small beginning of a multi-billion dollar project

AWS’s journey started in 2006 when Amazon SQS was launched. This was shortly followed by S3, and EC2, which laid the foundations for AWS to be a global player in cloud computing.

Impact of AWS

Before the cloud, things were a lot different. If you wanted to have any digital blueprint, you would have to purchase your own hardware, servers, and data centers, and hire all the relevant staff to manage it all. 

This was a big issue because it was often challenging to scale up or down as needed, there was little to no redundancy, and there was a lot of over-provisioning of servers.

A gift for entrepreneurs

Start-ups and cash-poor businesses have always had a hard time getting the capital they need to launch their first website, build a database, or anything else of the sort. 

In the past, this was nearly impossible because they didn’t have enough money upfront. However, now there are options for these types of businesses to get the funding they need to get started.


As you now know, Cloud is a promising tech. There are millions of jobs available to engineers who know and understand the Cloud. 

In order to become eligible for a role in cloud computing — hands-on experience on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP is a very good skill to have.

Cloud Certifications increase the chances of being shortlisted for DevOps & cloud roles. Qwikskills is a one-stop solution to prepare for cloud platforms certification exams & gain hands-on experience on them.



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