10 Jobs you can do with AWS Certification

Technology is growing at a super-fast speed; even coping with technology is sometimes difficult; however, it is important. The same is happening with the industry of cloud computing. Cloud computing was rising then, pandemics happened in the world, proving to be a blessing in disguise for this industry and boost its growth.

Due to its increasing number of utilizations of AWS in multiple organizations, there is a spike in the hiring of cloud-certified engineers. That is why many fresher and even professionals are willing to get the Amazon Web Services Cloud certification to make their career in cloud computing. AWS certification is there to help these passionate people from different corners of the world. However, many students who are willing to join this certification course do not know much about that, so let us deeply explore this AWS certification.

What is AWS Certification?

Amazon’s AWS certification courses offer scope to validate that a candidate has expertise in working with cloud technology. In this certification, the aspirants need to demonstrate their technical skills and knowledge concerning the cloud and attend the examinations for different roles like Cloud Practitioner, Developer, Architect, Operations, and more.

Benefits of AWS 

When we are going for any certification, the first thing that clicks in our mind is, “what will be the benefits? “. As cloud technologies are evolving, many small businesses and MNCs are adopting AWS solutions, which indicates that there are plenty of jobs in the market related to cloud computing. Some of the major brands that are using AWS services are Samsung, Netflix, Unilever, Xiaomi, and the list goes on. 

If we discuss some more benefits that you will be utilizing, the benefits you will get are a plus point in your resume that will hike your pay scale. Cloud computing is increasing day by day, so there is a clear sign for a bright and stable future. However, there is a clear shortage of proper skilled AWS certified engineers on the other end; organizations looking for these hardworking and passionate people means more jobs vacancies.

Jobs with AWS Certification

With AWS certification, there is a surety that you will get a high-paying job in the future and avoid the risk of career and financial instability.

Cloud Architect

Cloud architects are responsible for looking after the nitty-gritty of cloud technology. They are the professionals who will look after from computing strategies to adoption plans. Cloud computing applications are design for deployment, management, and monitoring, including some other infrastructure details. These are some more important aspects required in every organization converting their system to cloud-based systems and solutions. Besides, a cloud architect earns over $100,000 per annum.

Cloud Software Engineer 

Cloud software engineers must know programming languages that are mostly used in cloud development. Also, they maintain the cloud-based systems and ensure their proper functionality. A cloud software engineer earns up to $120,613 in the US per year, which is a pretty decent amount for professionals in the industry.

SysOps Administrator

The word SysOps is a combination of two terminologies that are used in cloud computing, and they are systems and operations that indicate that the SysOps Administrator is the one who is responsible for handling the entire lifecycle of an organization. Their work includes management, deployment, and operations on the cloud system in the organization. The average annual package that AWS SysOps administrators can earn is over $130,610.

DevOps Engineer

A DevOps Engineer enables faster software application delivery or code release by collaborating with other IT professionals in an organization like developers, testers, system operators, and production teams. They need to know all about the cloud environment and make possible multifunctional works in the organization. Their average annual salary can range between 137,000 to $180,000 as per the experience.

Cloud Developer

They sometimes handle multiple tasks, and they offer their services to cloud product/service/solution designing. Be it building a cloud developer handles web applications, data and application integration, and more. With skills like database programming, cloud platform, and informational security, a cloud developer can earn up to $127,037 annually.

Networking Specialist

Cloud computing is based on efficient networking, and this indeed requires a Networking Specialist to look into its functioning. As a networking specialist, you need to perform tasks like analyzing network performance, maintain network security, routine testing, and projecting problems to troubleshoot any problems to avoid time loss. In addition, installing a router, firewall, and many other networking systems, tools, or devices in an organization is their responsibility. On average AWS certified networking specialist earns over $52,124 per year in the US.

Cloud Security Expert

Security being the main concern of the swiftly changing technology-induced industry, there is always a massive demand for a security engineer. Cloud is the future, and cloud security experts are responsible for building a well-secured infrastructure on the cloud platform. They are required to manage data security, configure network security, implement regulatory standards, and more. They can earn nearly $73,477 per year package in the industry.

AWS System Integrator

AWS services are adopting by multiple MNCs and small business owners all across the world. Various systems are involved in data storage, infrastructure management, networking, communication, and more. As a result, there is a need for professionals who can troubleshoot system-related problems, their deployment, and more. AWS system integrator is responsible for all these activities and can earn more than $70k annually.

Machine Learning Specialist

As a Machine Learning specialist, you will need to design, implement, and maintain Machine Learning tasks and applications in an organization. Depending on the job role, the annual salary package can vary from $37,392 to $138,408.

Big Data Specialist

The world runs on data, and the quantity of data processed daily is increasing. As a result, big data came to the forefront, and generally, a data specialist deals with it. So, opting for AWS certification in big data specialization will earn you this job. The key responsibilities include collection, organizing, processing, and analyzing data information to create valuable insights and results for any business. The annual salary of a big data specialist is $107,801.

AWS is constantly adopted throughout the world, and this creates a better opportunity for jobs. So, if you opt for AWS certification and pass the examination, you can easily get into any one of the jobs and give a boost to your career.


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